David Hutchins
Chairman and Senior Consultant David Hutchins Innovation Limited
- Juran Institute Six Sigma Master Black Belt and UK representative of Dr JM Juran from 1983 to his retirement in 1992.
- Author and co-author of 10 books including the inter related trilogy – Self Managing Workgroups (currently being published), the bestselling Hoshin Kanri – The Strategic Approach to Continuous Improvement and his latest book published on 19th April 2019 Quality Beyond Borders – winner of the IAQ Walter Masing Award for Quality related literature.
- Author of hundreds of quality related papers and published articles on quality related topics.
- International experience with the Governments of Egypt, South Africa, and Tunisia, UNIDO and World Bank funded projects and many multinational companies for the establishment of corporate level Quality based management systems.
- Author of Diploma courses leading to and beyond – Chartered Quality Professional.
- Frequent Keynote speaker at International Quality Conferences and Seminars over many years.
- Implementation of Hoshin Kanri based business management systems as an umbrella for all performance related Initiatives, establishment and deployment of Key Performance Indicators or Critical Success factors.
- Six Sigma (to Master Black Belt) and Lean Six Sigma, Quality Function Deployment and all forms of Continuous improvement including Root Cause Analysis, Cross Functional Project by Project Improvement and Intra departmental Performance improvement using Quality Circles.
- Over 50 years’ experience assisting with the implementation of Quality based Business management systems internationally.
- Accelerated team-based Learning methods of education and training to maximise effectiveness.
- Designed and obtained Governmental (OfQual) approval for the Chartered Quality Institute range of professional qualifications
- Past and current member of several IAQ, CQI and EOQ Committees and Think Tanks.
- Technical advisor for the 5 Unit BBC Select Business Club transmissions in the early 1990s
- Keynote invited speaker at both Dr Juran’s and Professor Ishikawa’s Centenary of their birth celebrations!
- One-hour open Q&A broadcasts on Quality related issues on both South African and Tunisian National Radio.
- Fees paid by UNIDO and World Bank for two national TQM implementation programs in Egypt and Tunisia.
- Joint Keynote speaker with outgoing President F. W. de Klerk at the pan South African Quality Institute (SAQI) inaugural conference post-Apartheid in Pretoria.
- Master’s degree (1976) from Birmingham University in Quality and Reliability Statistics.
- Currently UK Academician International Academy for Quality
- Past external examiner for UMIST on PhD and Master’s Quality related Theses.
- Judge of many QC Circles award ceremonies in Dubai, Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangladesh, Bangkok, Nepal and Philippines and India.
- Author of many articles and 10 acclaimed books on Quality related subjects.
- Chartered Mechanical and Production Engineer (Production Engineering now absorbed into membership of the Institute of Engineering Technology).
- Chartered Quality Professional and Fellow of CQI,
- SMASQ (Senior Member American Society for Quality)
- Winner of the CQI Honorary Award 2019.
- Winner of the International Academy for Quality Walter Masing Award for Literature 2020.
Books – Authorship
- Quality Circles Handbook
- In Pursuit of Quality
- Achieve Total Quality
- Just in Time
- Le Juste A Temps (Published by AFNOR France)
- Hoshin Kanri: The Strategic Approach to Continuous Improvement
- Quality Beyond Borders: Dantotsu or How to Achieve Best in Business
Books – Co-Authorship/Editor
- Japanese Approach to Product Quality – co editor
- A History of Managing for Quality: The Evolution, Trends and Future Directions of Managing for Quality – one chapter on the history in the UK
- The man and his work – highpoints in the career of Professor Ishikawa – one chapter explaining my connection with him